nod away

Joshua W. Cotter

In this sci-fi graphic novel, a woman seeks to develop a way to move the “innernet” (internal internet”) hub from a human child to an electronic nexus.

status Lost
genre Sci-Fi
publisher Fantagraphics Books
publish date 2016
popularity checked out 3 time(s)


  • By Kryssanne Adams -

    FIRST OFF you should know that you will get hooked on this story and it leaves off as soon as the pace picks up–it’s only volume 1 in a brand new series. Doctor Melody McCabe is a badass scientist invited to live aboard a space station to study a little girl who somehow streams the “innernet” directly through people’s brains. McCabe is smart, stubborn, and determined to complete her job without getting entangled in the annoying social dynamics of her workplace. Her primary concern outside of work is the safety of her cat, Jeffrey, who lives back on Earth.

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