On Subbing: The First Four Years

Dave Roche

Dave Roche’s first book contains his tales of woe from working as an substitute education assistant in Portland’s school system. He helps kids who can’t function in normal classrooms focus on their work and keeps kids from fighting while they tease him or adorably flirt with him. It’s a real heartwarming ticket to putting a smile on your face or developing a good feeling to turn your day around. Contains illustrations from Clutch McBastard, Nicole Georges, Keith Rosson, Nate Beaty, Shawn Granton, and Aaron Renier. It’s a rewritten “best of” collection from issues #1-4 (The stuff Dave isn’t too embarrassed about) plus his second to last year of Subbing. Third Edition has new epilogue, new jokes, and new content!

status Copy #1 (4476): in
genre Utopian Studies » Education
publisher Microcosm Publishing
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popularity checked out 0 time(s)

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