Summer Blonde

Adrian Tomine

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status Copy #1 (264): in
genre Literature and Fiction » General Literature
publisher Drawn & Quarterly
publish date Jun 1, 2003
popularity checked out 8 time(s)


  • By Jasmine (Jammys) Chang -

    This collection of Adrian Tomine’s stories and characters is enticing and bizarre, yet very relatable. He often deals with themes of sexual tension or loneliness, so the plots are awkward, humorous and exposing of the human nature. However, I found that his endings left me extremely unsatisfied as a reader, as they were abrupt and not very emotionally fulfilling. I’d still overall recommend the book.

  • By Erika Millage -

    An enjoyable read with lovely minimalist imagery. Adrian Tomine portrays awkwardness, loneliness and disconnection in a very real, and sometimes uncomfortably vivid manner. This is a compilation of 4 stories, maybe one of which ended in a manner that was fully satisfying to my rainy day reading self. The art is lovely and I enjoyed the realism of the subjects.

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