The Pilgrimage: A Contemporary Quest for Ancient Wisdom

Paulo Coelho

Written as a memoir of his time journeying along El Camino De Santiago, a centuries old pilgrimage throughout Europe that ends at the alleged resting place of St. James.

status Copy #1 (1930): in
genre Adventure » Travel Stories
publisher HarperOne
publish date March 17, 1995
popularity checked out 8 time(s)


  • By Gavin Ray -

    It all started with a sword that he wasn’t yet ready to hold. Finding the sword involves a long hike through Northern Spain, with everything from demons to Knights Templar adding to the adventure.

    In this book, Paulo Coelho allows us into seemingly very personal parts of his life and religious undertakings. He is humble, shameless. It is with ease that he tells about how he came up short along the way, and what he learned from the process. It is apparent that he truly wants us to to learn from his experiences; and from reading this book, it might even be possible.

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