The Zine Yearbook 7

Jen Angel; Jason Kucsma

Zine history dates back to publications created by science fiction fans in the early thirties, the mimeographed chapbooks produced by the beat generation in the early fifties, political pamphlets passed out by rabble rousers in the sixties and fan-zines created by punk rockers and rock-n-roll fans in the seventies and eighties With absolute editorial freedom, zine publishers express their knowledge, experience, political perspectives, and talent in their own uninhibited styles. The result is a thriving underground movement based on personal empowerment and fueled by an outspoken group of writers nad thinkers who vigilantly challenge corporate control of the mainstream media.

status Copy #1 (403): in
genre Magazine » Zine Collections
publisher Soft Skull Press
publish date 2003
popularity checked out 0 time(s)

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