Book Take-Out
As Washington state has shut down all businesses, the Alternative Library is now offering book take-out four days a week!
Wednesday – Saturday: 12-5pm
Browse the collection:
Browse our catalogue of books online by clicking on any genre listed on the right side of the page or by keyword search in the search bar.
Once you’ve struck gold, send an email to to place your chosen book(s) on hold for pickup. You’ll receive a response confirming your request, and you can stop by to pick up your selection the next day we’re open.
Not a member yet? Learn more about membership so you can get book take-out.
Pickup protocol:
When you swing by the AltLib to pick up your requested book(s), a librarian will be available at our front window. The librarian will open the door to ask your name as you remain at a safe distance, and they’ll place your request(s) in a bag on the stoop.
All book exchanges (both returns and pickups) will be dropped on the front step to eliminate personal contact and risk of infection.
We quarantine for your health:
Only staff following quarantine procedures are serving as librarians at this time.
All book returns are quarantined for a minimum of 2 days before being checked in and re-shelved.