25 Lives

Lisa Carver

25 of the most unusual people I could find to talk to. A murderess, a serial killer escapee, a millionaire, a nillionaire, an underwater man, a happily untreated schizophrenic, living in Israel, walking through Sudan, severe Catholicism, a woman who is like a doll, a very old person, someone who has been in over a hundred fistfights, an international model, a tiny man with one eye and hearing aides who finally got treated like a human being only when he crossdressed, a woman who kept losing children, a man tortured in jail for a crime he was never even charged with. More. Intro and outro by Lisa Carver, who wrote Drugs Are Nice, Rollerderby, and Reconsidering Yoko Ono.

status Copy #1 (24068): in
genre Biography
publisher Suckdog
publish date 2015
popularity checked out 0 time(s)

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