Sammy the Mouse Vol. 1

Zak Sally

Assorted animal characters encounter weird religious troubles and live the life in a fantastic, ominous city.

status Copy #1 (5653): in
genre Fantasy » WTFantasy?
publisher La Mano 21
publish date September 10, 2011
popularity checked out 7 time(s)


  • By Future Man -

    Zak Sally is fantastic! Everything I’ve read from his has been fantastic and inspiring, but Sammy the Mouse takes the proverbial cake, if for nothing else than the fact that it’s the longest sustained story he’s produced yet.
    The characters dingy cartoon animals form a diverse cast of weirdos and degenerates, all working toward their own separate and often conflicting goals and coming together at the local bar, in the hollowed out body of a giant infant.
    The happenings are surreal and puzzling, but seem to conform to some sort of internal logic that is just out of reach for the reader and usually the main characters. This volume and the next (and really anything from Zak Sally) come with my highest recommendation.

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