FILM: Let the Fire Burn
2013 documentary about the 1985 government bombing of the MOVE community in West Philadelphia.
2013 documentary about the 1985 government bombing of the MOVE community in West Philadelphia.
Come down to the Alt Lib to eat with your pals! Bring yourself, food to share, and something to read or check something out before we head out. We'll eat, maybe talk about what we're reading, or not at all, then we'll flock out toward downtown and leisurely read together in a big roving pack. […]
Come one, come all to Bellingham's favorite open mic night! It's time to share your creative side at the Alternative Library. This open mic is a chance for performers of any art form to show their colours. Bring your original songs, stories, dance numbers, jokes, acrobatics, homemade instruments, or any other 15-minute "what-have-you"s downtown for […]
Join others in your community to send birthday cards to political prisoners to remind them that they are not forgotten.
In the year of Trump and Clinton, the failings of democracy are stark enough. But is the problem too little democracy, or too much? From the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to Occupy and Nuit Debout, practically everyone claims to be democratic. In this provocative presentation, we’ll discuss what ties all these different understandings of […]
Informal open ended discussion about the art and the life of writing. Bring work (any genre), what you’re reading, and any other prompts/literary notions. Starts at 11:11am third Sunday of every month.
Informal. Free. Decided on a whim. Every Wednesday. Bring snacks! Heckling is okay, even encouraged depending on the film.
SiLM - Mossy Posse - New collaborations between Bemya and Mattea Ben Kraftwerx - Idol Eyes -
Come one, come all to Bellingham's favorite open mic night! It's time to share your creative side at the Alternative Library. This open mic is a chance for performers of any art form to show their colours. Bring your original songs, stories, dance numbers, jokes, acrobatics, homemade instruments, or any other 15-minute "what-have-you"s downtown for […]
Come down to the Alt Lib to eat with your pals! Bring yourself, food to share, and something to read or check something out before we head out. We’ll eat, maybe talk about what we’re reading, or not at all, then we’ll flock out toward downtown and leisurely take turns reading aloud in a roving […]