Becoming Jefferson’s People: Re-Inventing the American Republic in the Twenty-First Century

Clay Jenkinson

Jefferson brought genius (not to mention reason, good sense, and idealism) to whatever he undertook, and he believed that the purpose of America was not to seek glory and profit in the world’s arena, but to build a nation of equality, justice, and cultural achievement. Becoming Jefferson’s People is part manifesto, part call for a new political persuasion in the United States, part self-help book, and part critique of the consumerist world empire that the United States has become at the beginning of the twenty-first century.

Written by the creator of the radio show The Thomas Jefferson Hour, this book portrays many of the positive ways that modern Americans can learn from Jefferson’s best principles.

status Lost
genre Philosophy » General Philosophy
publisher Marmath Press
publish date Jan 21, 2005
popularity checked out 0 time(s)


  • By Kyle Beckhorn -

    This is a great look into Thomas Jefferson and his philosophies, and how they relate to today’s world.

    This book consists of a bunch of different topics (each topic being no longer than 2-4 pages), ranging from friendship and education, to wine and nature. For those of you interested in the man who wrote The Declaration Of Independence, this is yet another glimpse into the beauty of life as Thomas Jefferson saw it.

    Highly inspirational.

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