Dark Matter: A Century of Speculative Fiction from the African Dispora

Steven Barnes, Octavia E. Butler, Samuel R. Delany, Tananarive Due, Jewelle Gomez, Walter Mosley, Ishmael Reed

This volume introduces black science fiction, fantasy, and speculative fiction writers to the generations of readers who have not had the chance to explore the scope and diversity among African-American writers.

status Copy #1 (6012): in
genre Sci-Fi
publisher Warner Books
publish date 2000
popularity checked out 11 time(s)


  • By Future Man -

    This is an amazing collection, attempting to begin conversation about the work and the roles of black science fiction writers. There are many different pieces, both short stories as well as excerpts from longer novels. Many of the authors are unknown to me, and I guess that’s the editor’s whole point in compiling these pieces together in an anthology. The work of black writers is often ignored within the academic circles which define what we deep important or canonical reading, the work of black writers in the realms of speculative fiction are particularly subject to this. The end of the book collects essays analyzing the roles of black writers in science fiction, which I believe is also all from black writers, and helps to provide a context to view the rest of the contributions.

  • By Bill Svoboda -

    An especially good title! . Some minor quibbles about what WASN’T included-but this is still a great book. Four and a half stars.

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