
Chuck Palahniuk

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status Copy #1 (2767): in
genre Humor and Satire » General Humor
publisher Anchor
publish date May 6, 2008
popularity checked out 8 time(s)


  • By Alex Crawford -

    I have yet to read anything by Palahniuk that I haven’t liked, but Rant nearly tops the list. It’s extremely difficult to talk about the actual story without spoiling anything, but to summarize, it’s the biography, told as an oral history, of a man responsible for making humans the primary mammalian carriers of rabies. In the process of telling the story Palahniuk also practices some superb world-building, and, in his own fashion, journeys off into some profound wonkiness. I highly recommend you grok this book.

  • By Emily Bergstrom -

    I concur with the other review- this book is my favorite of all works by Palahniuk! Extremely descriptive, imaginative, and slightly disturbing in only a way that Chuck can pull off, I adore RANT.

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