The End (Nilsen)

Anders Nilsen

Assembled from work done in Anders Nilsen’s sketchbooks over the course of the year following the death of his fiancée in 2005, The End is a collection of short strips about loss, paralysis, waiting, and transformation. It is a concept album in different styles, a meditation on paying attention, an abstracted autobiography and a travelogue, reflecting the progress of his struggle to reconcile the great upheaval of a death, and finding a new life on the other side. The book blends Nilsen’s disparate styles, from the iconic simplicity and collaged drawings of his Monologues for the Coming Plague to the finely rendered Dogs and Water and Big Questions.

status Copy #1 (7202): in
genre Literature and Fiction » General Literature
publisher Fantagraphics Books
publish date July 5, 2013
popularity checked out 2 time(s)


  • By Future Man -

    The End is a quiet moment in existential questioning following the death of a loved one. The improvisational and direct style of the writing and drawing carries with it the fresh impact of the moment a feeling surfaces, and makes this a powerful work which elegantly translates the feeling of loss and the subsequent journey to acceptance.

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