The Mystery Play

Grant Morrison, Jon J. Muth, Jon. J. Muth

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status Copy #1 (2101): in
genre Superhero » Alternative Heroes
publisher Vertigo
publish date August 1, 1995
popularity checked out 8 time(s)


  • By Danny Canham -

    The softness of a watercolor art style belies the macabre in this short graphic novel by Grant Morrison. God is found dead and everyone is looking for the truth at the heart of the matter. Part allegory, part pataphor, Morrison blends philosophy and theology in a small town neo-noir setting to question reality itself.

    It was a fun, quick read, but unlike some of Morrison’s longer works,, it feels like it’s missing some of the depth it deserves to really explore the subject matter. Muth’s art playfully weaves together the mystery play within the mystery and matches the darker tone of the story overall.

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