The Rights of People Who are HIV Positive: The Authoritative ACLU Guide to the Rights of People Living with HIV Disease and Aids

William Rubenstein

“As the chapters in this book suggest, AIDS law encompasses public health law, tort law, criminal law, health care law, insurance law, benefits law, family law, civil rights law, disability law, employment law, housing law, education law, prison law, immigration law, and many more legal specialties. It would be unreasonable to expect any one person to master all of these fields of law. In constructing this book, then, we have attempted to find the most frequently asked questions within these legal subfields about the rights of people with HIV disease and to provide answers in a straightforward manner.”—from the Introduction

status Copy #1 (8802): in
genre Social Science » Law and Criminology
publisher Southern Illinois University Press
publish date December 18, 1996
popularity checked out 0 time(s)

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