Canopus in Argos: Archives The Making of the Representative for Planet Eight

Doris Lessing

The fourth novel in the series Canopus in Argos: Archives, this is the story of Planet 8 of the Canopean Empire, as told by Doeg, one of the planets fifty Representatives. A contented, Edenic planet, warm, verdant, peaceful, inhabited by handsome, vibrant, intelligent people and clearly intended by its distant and benevolent Canopean lords for some high purpose in the upward progress of civilization, it is suddenly, by some unknown cosmic catastrophe, plunged into an Ice Age. As the snows come, polar ice caps advance and the inhabitants witness the gradual destruction of life as they know it, Doeg and others, aided by the patient, self-sacrificing Johor, an emissary from Canopus, slowly learn to face, make sense of and, finally. transcend their own imminent extinction.

status Copy #1 (8084): in
genre Sci-Fi
publisher Vintage
publish date 1982
popularity checked out 0 time(s)

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