Alien: The Illustrated Story

Charles Goodwin, Walter Simonson

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status Copy #1 (2936): in
genre Sci-Fi
publisher New York: Heavy Metal Commuications/Simon and Shuster
publish date 1979
popularity checked out 1 time(s)


  • By David Czuba -

    This graphic animated book is drawing attention 30 years after its publication (Find commentary on the Web at
    For those of you enamored with H.R.Giger’s artwork and sculpture, the graphic book veers somewhat from his vision, while peppering some of Giger’s style here and there. The authors stay true to the film script, and make a tight storyline that flows extremely well, especially where they build suspense to reveal the surprise on the next pages. You know the story, but it’s magnetic anyway, and all the more relevant as Ridley Scott’s 2012 prequel film “Prometheus” suggests an alteration of the story in ways you hadn’t guessed.

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