Building Craft Equipment: An Illustrated Manual

A. Jay Abrams, Carol W. Abrams

This is a book about the methods, joys and economy of fashioning your own craft tools. It serves as a fully illustrated, carefully structured resource for the creation of a wide range of useful equipment, with a relatively small investment in materials and a few basic tools from the household workshop.

status Copy #1 (2570): in
genre Utopian Studies » Homesteading
publisher Pitman Publishing
publish date 1976
popularity checked out 0 time(s)


  • By Judd Morse -

    This book is a great tool for anybody that is in, or is interested in, or has had a relationship. It is a wonderful set of thoughts that will help you reexamine what it means to be intimate and how you can maximize the efficacy of not only relationships between two people, but of three or even more people. The basic skills discussed in this book are effective even beyond the scope of sexually intimate interactions, and are a good guide on how to treat people with respect, honesty, and integrity and expect the same from others.

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