Henry’s Gift: The Magic Eye

David Worsick, Joyce Harris Bohdan Petyhyrycz

Young Henry, who sees visions where others see only meaningless patterns, undertakes a quest, venturing into the Necromancer’s realm. With his staunch companions Byron and Nadia, Henry outwits a giant serpent, defeats a pack of trolls, finds a long-hidden treasure, overcomes the Necromancer, and discovers that he is the rightful heir to the throne. Henry vows to knight Byron and marry Nadia, and “thus the kingdom prospered . . . as anyone with vision could foresee.” The references to vision allude to the “magic eye” illustrations that appear frequently throughout the book. Fans of the N. E. Thing Enterprises posters and Magic Eye books will enjoy throwing their eyes out of focus to catch glimpses of the 3-D images (15 in all) that illustrate the story. Those who can’t quite make out the hidden pictures can see smaller, shadowy versions at the end of the book. Other full-color illustrations appear throughout the volume as well.

status Copy #1 (5152): in
genre Fantasy » Epic Fantasy
publisher Andrews and McMeel
publish date
popularity checked out 0 time(s)

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