Mystical Poems of Rumi 1: First Selection, Poems 1-200

Jalal al-Din Rumi

Rumi, who wrote and preached in Persia during the thirteenth century, was inspired by a wandering mystic, or dervish, named Shams al-Din. Rumi’s vast body of poetry includes a lengthy poem of religious mysticism, the Mathnavi, and more than three thousand lyrics and odes, many of which came to him while he was in a state of trance. A.J. Arberry, who selected four hundred of the lyrics for translation and annotated them, calls Rumi “one of the world’s greatest poets. In profundity of thought, inventiveness of image, and triumphant mastery of language, he stands out as the supreme genius of Islamic mysticism.”

status Copy #1 (1175): in
genre Literature and Fiction » Poetry
publisher The University of Chicago Press
publish date 1968
popularity checked out popularity time(s)

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