Poetry and the Fate of the Senses

Susan Stewart

What is the role of the senses in the creation and reception of poetry? How does poetry carry on the long tradition of making experience and suffering understood by others? With Poetry and the Fate of the Senses, Susan Stewart traces the path of the aesthetic in search of an explanation for the role of poetry in our culture. The task of poetry, she tells us, is to counter the loneliness of the mind, or to help it glean, out of the darkness of solitude, the outline of others. Poetry, she contends, makes tangible, visible, and audible the contours of our shared humanity. It sustains and transforms the threshold between individual and social existence.

status Copy #1 (3100): in
genre Literature and Fiction » Poetry
publisher University Of Chicago Press
publish date January 20, 2002
popularity checked out 1 time(s)

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