Skymates II – The Composite Chart

Steven Forrest

Learn the art of reading composite charts – the hidden “third wheel” in every relationship. A person whose life drifts away from the blueprint of his or her birthchart grows dull, flat and depressed. It is the same for a couple – if their life together departs from the spirit of their composite chart, their relationship runs out of gas. They stop talking. Sex evaporates. They would rather watch TV than look into each others’ eyes. In this book the Forrests provide the tools you need to explore this powerful astrological technique – theory, real-life practical examples, and an extensive cookbook section where you can jump-start your interpretations by looking up the precise meaning of any configuration.

In the first volume of Skymates they showed us how to compare charts. Now , they take it a step further, illustrating that the in every relationship, the whole is always greater than the sum of its parts.

status Copy #1 (5180): in
genre Spirituality » Astrology
publisher Seven Paws Press
publish date 2005
popularity checked out 1 time(s)

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