Things You Carry

Vincent Stall

Vincent’s wordless fable builds upon shorter works that only hinted at what he fully realizes in this new book, a story that on its surface is quite simple, but upon repeat visits offers the reader with myriad pathways into the artist, his creation or the act of creation itself.

status Copy #1 (6615): in
genre Fantasy » WTFantasy?
publisher 2D Cloud
publish date 2012
popularity checked out 3 time(s)


  • By Alexander Chadsey -

    So, you know how they say that when you do too much LSD, it gets deposited in your vertebrae; and sometimes when you crack your back, it releases a small hit of acid. This book is essentially if one of those ‘flashbacks’ happened while you were sleeping, resulting in a freaky, post-apocalyptic lucid dream.

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