Vile and Miserable

Samuel Cantin

The strange, sordid and hilarious tale of a sexually-repressed demon working as a used books salesman in an automobile dealership, Vile and Miserable is an edgy, definitely NSFW sitcom which was a huge hit when it was originally released in French in 2013.

status Copy #1 (8488): in
genre Fantasy » WTFantasy?
publisher Pow Pow Press
publish date 2015
popularity checked out 1 time(s)


  • By Meg Duke -

    2.5 stars. The title had me in a second — as did a freaky dream scene I had glimpsed while flipping through the pages. Upon finishing, I can say I was a little bummed out; the concept of a demon with deep-seated sex problems running a used bookstore in a car dealership tickled me, but the overall plot arc was disappointing.

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