Review by Dylan Freeman
A Perfect book. Has the best ending to any book of all time.

Review by Natasha Donovan
Atwood is (deservedly) celebrated for her dystopian works, but reading her poetry provides an opportunity to see the astonishing ease with which she manipulates and crafts language. This collection is moving and luminous, and at times deeply sad, but Atwood's characteristic sarcasm and dark humour is still present.

Review by Dylan Freeman
Haruki Murakami is cool because he writes stories where crazy things happen, although the bad part about Murakami is that his stories aren't good. Like I'd prefer to just read fragments of him describing amazing and surreal events without having to also drudge through the story lines of his books. So yeah, this book is cool and times, but mostly boring, too long, and really doesn't have a finish worth reading.


Review by Dylan Freeman
This book is so awesome and unique and you can probably read the whole 400+ pages in a day easily. Amazing comic horror, and the short stories at the end are maybe even better than the book itself.

Review by Dylan Freeman
The only things you need to know before reading this is that it's really hard and probably not worth reading without the companion guide, the amount of sex in it makes it basically erotica, and it's suppose to be fun and not an ominous enemy. Just come into it open and willing it not understand parts, never stop moving, and you'll have a good time. (the ending is really really good)

Review by Tuck Tucker
A great read about a tragic time. A higher proportion of American soldiers died in Spain then in any other 20th C war.

Review by Tuck Tucker
Among very best histories of the IWW; sympathetic leftist historian

Review by Alexander Chadsey
Super detailed and accurate! I searched for a complete anatomy coloring book for about a year, and this was the best! Photo-copy yer favorite body parts for hours of chromatic fun!

Review by Kryssanne Adams
Good read, but question the author. This book has some great tips for disarming arguments and potentially intense situations. It's written by a cop (and martial arts instructor) for cops. It was originally published in the 70s, I think, and I found myself wanting to challenge the author; several times throughout, he makes questionable generalizations about several different races based on experiences he's had with individuals, and at times I think seems to use those examples to boost his credibility in some way.

Review by Kathleen Cross
This book is one of the scariest books I ever read. I never finished it. WARNING: BODY HORROR: like gaping holes appearing in people's backs and things.

Review by Kryssanne Adams
Reading this story, I felt like a moth flying into a light. I knew what was going to happen from a mile away, but I couldn't look away. I could see of the events in motion leading up to the finale, yet I refused to believe them. Even though this is a real event that I'm familiar with. Despite the sadness woven throughout this story, there are so many small moments of hope and joy tucked away that I found it extremely worthwhile. It's loaded with graceful presence, kindness, and compassion in the midst of horror. From the story's afterword: "Abadiz's imagination seamlessly fill[s] out the personal stories, both canine and human, that bring Laika alive as a meditation on the meaning of destiny and the fragile beauty of trust."

Review by Pi
I blasted through this book in a day while half-managing my toddler after reading My Mother Wears Combat Boots. It's a collage of many women's voices from many different perspectives, some of them at opposite ends of various spectrums. Touches on gay and queer mamas, single mamas (actually, most of them are single mamas), mamas on "welfare", teen mamas, and most of all mamas who write. I haven't read a book this fast since before I was pregnant. That's saying something.

Review by Kryssanne Adams
I immediately fell in love with Evens' style of drawing, and noticed that when I read this book in public, more people than usual were curious than usual to approach me and ask what I was reading. I really enjoyed seeing a bunch of strangers and weirdos come together to work on a massive art project together to learn about the importance of the creative process. Endearing characters!

Review by N8R Witham
This book falls in my favorite genre, hilarious and existentially heart rending. Some of the panels drip with emotion sans speech bubbles, an image truly worth a thousand words.

Review by N8R Witham
Can you pretend to be crazy, or is the act of imitation enough to pull one past the pale psyche? This biography is the non-fiction One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest: brutal, beautiful, and honest. It pokes at the question, who're the real crazies: the patients, the doctors, or the systems we all muddle in.

Review by N8R Witham
Catch-22 is a catch-22 all the way through. Every character is a contradiction tearing two different directions, and every situation is inescapable: is it a dream, or surreal purgatory? Deja vu is ever present too: the same scenes replayed in different tenses and perspectives. You are trapped in the experience, just as the experience is trapped in you.

Review by Kryssanne Adams
Beautifully written and easy to read but that doesn't make it a comfortable story. Atwood weaves together several complex nonlinear plot lines around the main story, giving fragments of the narrator's past, though never disclosing exactly how things became the way they are. Although I suppose it doesn't matter how things became the way that they are. The narrator--I hesitate to call her Offred, because her real name was taken from her--lives a hopeless existence, and it's unclear what keeps her going, other than memories of her past, or maybe a desire to share her story.

Review by Kryssanne Adams
If I had to describe Black River in one word, I would choose BLEAK. What a huge bummer. I felt it like a big flat river rock in my belly, I felt so weird. And I've read some comics. It takes an incredible amount of creative control to elicit such a strong response out of me (and everyone else I know who's read it). Through the panels, Simmons takes you for a somber wander across wastelands with a pack of hardened badass scavenging ladies, searching for hope in a hopeless place. There's not much to look for, or to find. This book's not for the faint of heart. It's the kind of book where you'll find a dude getting his head bashed in with a rock and it drags on for like, eight panels.

Review by Aloe Bailey
Radically rewire your daily routines with this amazing guide to everyday acts of magic. There is an amazing spirit of designing your own practice, and provides plenty of spells to start with that anyone can do.

Review by Aloe Bailey
A must-read for any fan of horror, Uzumaki is visually stunning, nauseating, and bizarrely compelling (just like staring into a spiral). This one will stay with you forever, readers beware...

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